Bracelet for Women: Harmony Between Spouses, Positive Energy, Peace, Tranquility, Evil Eye, Abundance, Keeping Bad People Away.
Relieves stress and provides anger management
It brings the person back to life by cleaning the body from toxins (foreign or unnecessary substances).
It prevents cancer formation.
It balances blood sugar.
If placed under the pillow, it helps you fall asleep easily, have a restful sleep, and wake up refreshed in the morning. It allows you to have beautiful dreams.
It keeps the body vigorous and creates balance between our physical body and our emotions.
It relieves joint pain and enables comfortable movement.
It regulates the digestive system.
It benefits stomach disorders such as indigestion
It protects the blood circulation system.
Moon Stone;
It is believed to prevent him from experiencing emotional complexities.
Moonstone, which regulates people's emotional world and helps them have clearer feelings and thoughts, seriously strengthens intuition and communication.
It regulates female hormones.
This stone, which has the ability to make you feel full, is known to reveal feminine energy when combined with pink quartz.
Recommended for all women.
Pink Quartz;
It is the stone of affection and love.
In mythology, it is the stone that is believed to be brought down from the sky to the earth by Eros, the God of Love, so that people can learn about love.
It creates a strong bond of love between married couples and lovers.
It is known as a stone that opens luck for singles.
It balances emotions, thoughts and inner forces, thereby harmonizing opposing forces.
Stone of affection, stone of love, stone of tolerance.
Provides mental and physical relaxation.
It calms the nerves and gives peace.
It reactivates those who enter laziness mode.
It gives high energy, youth and vitality.
It acts as a shield against negative energies.
agate ;
It is effective against the evil eye and is also known as the stone of success.
Abundance is the energy of abundance.
Smoky Quartz;
A clear mind is beneficial for emotions such as jealousy and anxiety disorders.